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  1. Collaborative Sino-UK development of an intercultural, professional development course in e-learning and teaching.


  1. A report on the evaluation of the e-learning course aimed at informing both UK and Chinese higher education personnel, drawing out policy and practice implications
  1. An evaluation of the tool for supporting collaborative e-learning, with particular attention given to the potential use of the tool in the UK higher education sector
  1. A framework/model for planning and running intercultural professional development in the Chinese and UK higher education e-learning contexts.


  1. A series of workshops in China and the UK aimed at disseminating policy, practice and research findings to the higher education communities.


  1. A series of dissemination papers on the various outcomes of our collaborative work to be presented at international conferences, published in journals etc.


  1. A report on intercultural conceptions of e-learning and teaching.



More details may be obtained from David McConnell






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