Dept of Educational Research,
County College South
Lancaster University
LA1 4YD,
Tel: +44 (0) 1524 592685
E-mail: Alice Jesmont
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Date: 18 October 2010 Time: 10.00 - 15.30
Venue: Bailrigg Conference Centre
This one-day conference is an excellent opportunity for the continuous professional development of teachers in primary and secondary schools and in further education institutions.
In the morning the focus is on: technology enhanced learning and its impact on teaching and learning in schools as seen through national studies, the use of virtual social networks in formal learning, and online learning in teachers' continuous professional development.
In the afternoon there will be a workshop on Games Based Learning and the ENGAGE portal of resources for teachers, http://www.engagelearning.eu/
This event is FREE to teachers working in schools and further education institutions, with lunch, refreshments and parking provided.
Places are limited so please reserve a place by 14th October 2010 click here to register. For more information download a leaflet.
This event has been organised in collaboration with DEIS Department of Education Development, Cork Institute of Technology, http://deis.ie
Provisional Programme
Monday 18th October 2010
10:00 Welcome and Introductions
Presentation "eTwinning Learning Events: Using Online Learning Communities for Teachers' Continuous Professional Development." Brian Holmes, Julie-Ann Sime (Lancaster University), Anne Gilleran (European Schoolnet, Belgium) & Tina Sarisalmi (Municipality of Orivesi, Finland)
Break with tea/coffee
Presentation "Technology, Learning and Impact" Don Passey (Lancaster University)
Presentation "Uncovering Hidden Learning (Informal Learning within Virtual Social Learning Systems)." Andy Smith (Blackpool & The Fylde College)
12:30 Lunch
Workshop "ENGAGE Learning: A portal for Game Based Learning" Gearóid Ó Súilleabháin (Cork Institute of Technology, Ireland)
General Discussion
15:30 Close
ENGAGE, the European Network for Growing Activity in Game-based learning in Education, is a project funded by the European Commission's Lifelong Learning Programme. The project aims to provide methodologies for developing and implementing game-based approaches in education and training. Visit the ENGAGE Learning portal and join the community of teachers students and industry: www.engagelearning.eu.
Who can attend: Anyone
Associated staff: Don Passey (Educational Research), Julie-Ann Sime (Educational Research)
Organising departments and research centres: Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology, Educational Research
Keywords: Teaching and learning, Technology enhanced learning