Dept of Educational Research,
County College South
Lancaster University
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E-mail: Alice Jesmont
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Summary: European and Latin American Consortium for IST Enhanced Continued Education in Environmental Management and Planning We provided evaluative frameworks and support The ELAC project was created with the objective of using Information-Society-Technologies (IST) to enhance continued education in environmental management and planning.
Website: http://www.elac.dk/
Researchers: Bob Kemp (Educational Research), Murray Saunders (Educational Research)
Dept/Research Groups: Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology, Educational Research
The establishment of continued education facilities in the Central American countries will enable joint co-operation in upgrading environmental management through joint courses and curricula development. This will be developed and exchanged by the facilities developed under the ELAC project. The ELAC project was sponsored by the European Commision under the @LIS Programme and managed by eCentre, Environment and Resources DTU located at the Technical University of Denmark.