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Summary: Six institutions of higher education have formed this consortium to promote a student centered US/EU dimension to education and training in the field of instructional and informational technologies
Website: http://www.lancs.ac.uk/fss/projects/edres/chexit
Principal Investigator: Christine Smith
Dept/Research Groups: Centre for Studies in Advanced Learning Technology, Educational Research
Brief description of the project:
Six institutions of higher education have formed this consortium to promote a student centered US / EU dimension to education and training in the field of instructional and informational technologies. The institutions’ aim is to enhance their present evolution in working towards international perspectives, enhance and promote their unique physical locations, and diversify student and faculty profiles. The members of CHEXIT from the United States are San Diego State University, Utah State University, and Texas A&M university. From the European Union the members of the consortium are Universiteit Twente, NL, Campus de Ciencias de la Educación, Barcelona, SP and Lancaster University, UK.
The consortium members are seeking to purposefully share faculty and graduate students, both through planned and systematic geographic mobility of people and through the use of technologies, including computer technology and worldwide networks. The institutions involved in this consortium are drawing on their unique characteristics and operative conditions to influence a better internationalization of their respective campuses and graduate programs.
The main focus of the program is to foster student mobility within the context of multilaterial curricular development and to establish a network of scholars working towards the development of a joint curriculum and delivery. Members of this consortium are committed to working on the following: 1) recognition of credits for students among the countries; 2) faculties within the same or related disciplines working together in the development of improved, new, or joint curriculum, teaching materials, methods, and modules; and 3) opportunities for students to work towards achieving a second language proficiency. Other proposed initiatives may include summer programs, the formation of a student advisory council, faculty exchanges, joint academic programming, joint research, and team teaching.
Web link: http://coe.sdsu.edu/chexit/index.htm