
Integrating digital libraries and VLEs in higher & further education

Project partners

The relationship between project partners proved an interesting topic for the evaluation of the DiVLE projects. Some partners were only nominally involved in projects, others had a close working relationship with project team members. In two instances projects report that concentrated input from an expert partner for a period of only one or two days has been instrumental in clarifying difficult issues and moving the project forward.

A further issue is related to reporting lines and accountability. An "experimental/developmental" reporting line, in this case to JISC or the Project Director, and a separate "development of university services" reporting line to a Head of Service or Pro-Vice Chancellor can arise. There have been issues too when assumptions have been made that pedagogic practices are common across different universities. When what is being tested is the transferability of project outputs across different universities and different VLE platforms it is essential that robust methodologies to facilitate transfer are explored and agreed at an early stage. A final example occurs where the outcome of the project will be a new system or service which impacts on staff workloads and responsibilities - it is one thing for staff to work flexibly to enable a concept to be proved, quite another to accept permanent changes to their jobs.

Additional Resources

Forthcoming..... contributions gratefully received


These webpages have been assembled by the CERLIM and CSALT team working on the JISC-funded project LinKER. Contents of the web-pages may be used freely for non-profit purposes, provided that this acknowledgement is included. Click here for further information about LinkER